With fast paced technological advancements of the 21st century, the demand for electronics today is higher than ever. The supply now needs to meet the demand without failing to deliver quality.
Via-In-Pad (VIP) is rapidly becoming more commonly used in modern printed circuit design due to many considerations, including the need to miniaturize the PCB form factor. This review of via-in-pad technology can help remove some of the mystery of VIP in PCB manufacturing.
Are you thinking of using a rigid/flex format for a PCB? If so, the first and most obvious answer to the question ‘why?’ is to make use of the flexibility and to permit movement between two conventional boards – even if the movement is limited to providing vibration tolerance.
The Software Lifecycle Landscape

With the development of embedded hardware, careful attention is given to the design and creation of highly detailed specifications that can be used to source board components.
It's never been easier to start a hardware company. The Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon—touted by many as the future of embedded computing—is now seen as an amalgam of affordable hardware and software platforms.
by Bruno Tolla, Ph.D., Denis Jean and Xiang Wei, Ph.D.

Several performance attributes must be considered under challenging thermal conditions.

The design of fluxes for a selective soldering application poses unique problems due to the localization of the soldering process.
Open any magazine and it’s clear that applications for 3D printing are exploding. Yet one area that remains largely unexplored is the use of additive manufacturing for electronics.
Based on discussions at DesignCon 2016 and since, I have three predictions about major changes ahead for high speed serial link systems.

Roll out of 28 Gbps systems will be slower than expected.
When we create a printed circuit board, the chances are these days that we’ll export it through our CAD package’s CAM tool, and send the resulting files to an inexpensive PCB fabrication house.
MEMS gyroscopes offer a simple way to measure angular rate of rotation, in packages that easily attach to printed circuit boards, so they are a popular choice to serve as the feedback sensing element in many different types of motion control systems.
Editor's note: When I come across a really excellent tutorial for designers, I like to share it with the EDN audience. The following is one such lesson in designing a robust product and meeting customer goals at its best.
These days, a lot of digital design work involves little more than patching together a few highly integrated blocks. It seems as if everything is VLSI (and CPLD/FPGA). A lot is, but not everything. "Discrete" logic ICs are still to be found.

Let's briefly review some historical logic basics.
A new alternative using QFNs with open thermal via-in-pad (VIP) structures reduces cost and eliminates solder wicking.

BTC packages were first offered more than 10 years ago. Since then, use has grown steadily, with a significant increase in demand observed over the past three years.
Circuit design and design principles of reliability when wiring pcb

Currently electronic equipment for all types of electronic devices and systems continue to be the main printed circuit board assembly methods.
On August 1-2, 2015, Hampoo held a seminar on the subject of the midyear summary and strategy and execution at the Westin Hotel Nanshan Shenzhen.
What is Design for Manufacturing? The brief description according to wikipedia.com is that DFM is the general engineering art of designing products in such a way that they are easy to manufacture.
PCB layout is the finest techniques with the highest limitation in the design process. Even the wire cloth engineers with over ten-year experience would feel poor in wiring. Having faced all kinds of problems, he knows the result for each wiring, which makes him have no idea on the wiring.
What do you need to get a quote on a PCB assembly? This is a great question and often a source of confusion. There are four basic documents and exactly how they are transmitted depends on your company’s tools; we can work together to figure out what best fits your circumstance.
Gold surface finishing is wildly used on circuit boards with membrane switches which are a technology of choice for industrial, commercial and commercial products.
In the high frequency domain, a signal or EM wave must propagate along the transmission path with uniform characteristic impedance.
No matter where you are in the global electronics supply chain, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “I need it now.” In this fast-moving, ever-evolving industry, we hear that a lot.
Silk screen is normally used to identify components on the component side, test points, PCB and PCBA part numbers, warning symbols, company logos and manufacturer markers. It isn’t uncommon to have silkscreen required for the solder side as well.
The printed circuit board technology has seen great strides in electronic manufacturing, but the general construction of pcbs hasn’t changed in many decades. A sheet of copper is bonded to an insulating material such as FR4.
There are many factors that can damage printed circuit boards. Today I'd like to talk about something that has damage to printed circuit boards.
As the company’s size and business increased, Electronic manufacturing service (EMS) division of Hampoo Electronics has moved to a new office. It covers an area of 4,000 square meters.
Research and Markets: Global and Chinese FPCB (Flexible Printed Circuit Board) Industry Report, 2014 | Business Wire
PCB Design Best Practices: Six things to consider when making PCB component choices based on part footprints. All the examples in this article are developed using the NI Multisim design environment, however the same concepts apply when using different EDA tools.

Quality control is an important process to ensure PCB quality. Today, I will introduce a machine, called” flying probe tester”, which is applied in testing for small run PCB order.

For small run orders, no fixtures need to be prepared, only data files in is need with flying probe tester.
The surface of pad needs to be processed to preserve from oxidize. Materials, technology and quality of PCB pad surface finish will affect the soldering technology and quality directly. Besides, choosing which method of surface finish depends on the product, technology and soldering materials.
One of the leading Printed Circuit Boards providers in the world Hampoo has confirmed that he will continue to offer direct PCB service for customers from china as the popularity of its’ PCB business continues to grow across the world.
Whether you are an EMS or an OEM, defining the right sourcing policy for PCBs and components is an important strategic management task. Forward-looking decisions create results that help improve a company’s competitiveness.
PCB layout for proper operation of power electronics devices is critical, while routing control circuits can be done by an auto routing PCB software, critical power circuits should be placed by hand. Below are some guidelines of printed circuit board layout for you.
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