1. PCB Design Best Practices: Six things to consider when making PCB component choices based on part footprints. All the examples in this article are developed using the NI Multisim design environment, however the same concepts apply when using different EDA tools.

    1.    Think about component footprint decisions
    Throughout the schematic drawing phase, consider footprint and landpattern decisions that will need to be made in the layout phase.  See the following suggestions for things to consider when making component choices based on part footprints.

    • Remember that footprints include both the electrical pad connections and the mechanical (X, Y and Z) dimensions of the part.  This includes the body outline of the part as well as the pins that attach to the PCB.  When selecting components, consider any housing or packing restrictions on both top and bottom sides of the final PCB.  Some components (such as polarized capacitors) may have height clearance restrictions that need to be considered as part of the component selection process.  When initially starting a design, consider drawing a basic board outline shape and placing some of the larger or critically-placed components (such as connectors) that are planned to be used.  In this way, a quick virtual rendering of the board (without routing) can be visualized to give a relatively accurate representation of the relative positioning and component heights of the board and components.  This will assist in ensuring that the parts will fit inside the packaging (plastic, chassis, mechanical frame, etc…) after the PCB is assembled.  Invoke the 3-D Preview mode from the tool menu to review your board.
    • Landpatterns show the exact pads or hole shapes on the PCB to which the part will be soldered.  These copper patterns on the PCB may also contain some basic shape information.  The landpatterns need to be sized correctly to ensure proper soldering and to ensure proper mechanical and thermal integrity of the connecting parts.  When designing the PCB layout consider how the board will be manufactured or if hand soldered, how the pads will be accessed.  Reflow soldering (solder paste that is melted in a controlled oven) can handle a wide variety of surface mount devices (SMDs).  Wave soldering is typically used to solder the backside of the board to fix through-hole components but can handle some SMD parts placed on the backside.  Often with this technique, any bottom side SMDs will have to be orientated in a special direction and may to have pad modifications to be able to be soldered in this way.
    • Component choices can change throughout the design process.  Choosing which parts should be Plated Through Hole (PTH) or Surface Mount Technology (SMT) early in the design process can assist the entire planning of the PCB.  Consider parts costs, availability, part area density and power dissipation among other things.  From a manufacturing perspective SMD components are typically less expensive than through-hole parts and are typically more readily available.   For small to medium prototyping projects, larger SMDs or through-hole parts may be preferred to facilitate hand soldering and to facilitate better pad and signal access for troubleshooting and debugging steps.
    • If a footprint is not available in the database, it is common to create a custom footprint from within the tool. 

    2.    Use good grounding practices

    Make sure the design has sufficient bypass capacitors and ground planes.   When using ICs, make sure appropriate decoupling capacitors are used near the supply to a ground location (ground plane preferably).  Appropriately sized capacitors depend on the application, the capacitor technology and the frequencies involved.  When bypass capacitors are placed across the power and ground pins and located close to the appropriate IC pins, a circuit’s electromagnetic compliance and susceptibility performance will be optimized.

    3.    Assign virtual parts footprints
    Run a bill of materials (BOM) to check for virtual parts.   Virtual parts do not have footprints associated with them and will not be transferred to layout.  Generate a BOM and review all the virtual components on the design.  The only entries should be power and ground signals as these are considered virtual parts and are specially handled in the schematic environment and not the layout.  Unless used solely for simulation purposes, parts that are shown in the virtual section should be replaced with parts having footprints.

    4.    Ensure you have complete BOM Data

    Check for adequate data in the BOM report.   After running the BOM report, review it and work on populating any incomplete part, vendor or manufacturer information for all of these parts. 

    5.    Sort reference designators
    To assist in the sorting and reviewing of the BOM, ensure reference designators are contiguously numbered.  

    6.    Check spare gates 

    Typically, all of the spare gates should have the inputs connected to a signal to prevent the inputs from floating. Make sure you review any spare or forgotten gates so that unwired inputs can be adequately connected, if required.  In some cases, if the inputs are left to float, the whole system may not function properly.  For example, consider a dual opamp used in a design. If only a single opamp is used in a dual-section IC part, it is suggested that either a single-section IC be designed-in or for the unused portions, a ground be placed at the input and an appropriate unity gain (or otherwise) feedback network be placed with the amplifier to ensure the correct functionality of the part. 

    In some cases, ICs with floating pins may not correctly operate within the specifications.  Usually the operating specifications for an IC are valid only if the parts or other gates within the same part  are not operating in a saturation condition where the inputs or outputs are near or at the power rails of the component.  Simulation would typically not catch this situation as simulation models generally do not connect multiple sections of an IC together for modeling the effects of a floating connection.


  2. Quality control is an important process to ensure PCB quality. Today, I will introduce a machine, called” flying probe tester”, which is applied in testing for small run PCB order.

    For small run orders, no fixtures need to be prepared, only data files in is need with flying probe tester. The flexibility of quick set-up ensures flying probe tests outperform dedicated test beds in lead time, cost and fixed designs. Not only shorts and opens produced has been reveal in manufacturing process by flying probe tests, but also design errors has been exposed.

    There are four to eight test heads in the tester, each equipped with a precision probe which moves to test points, vias, component pads and circuit interconnects on both sides of the OCB at very high speed. Firstly, the tester probed to search for “opens” on boards. Then short circuits “shorts” between nets will be checked. These probes are controlled by XYZ servo-systems and can contact pads only a few miles across and a few miles apart.

    Providing circuit board designs with dedicated test points adds time and cost at the PCB level. Test points at the ends of all nets, traces and edge connectors enhance testability of PCBAs but each of these points must also be tested by the flying probe. The trade off is easily in favour of PCBAs, where the cost of the circuit board ramps up. For high value and very complex circuit boards, we will typically conduct two ICT tests, one before solder masking and one after final routing.

    Flying probe testing utilizes proprietary software to evaluate Gerber files to generate an X-Y netlist. Then, it analyses the netlist utilizing a sequential path logic to ensure high fault coverage of nets. Although no test is infallible, we have electrically tested thousands of PCBs at Hampoo , and now er have not recorded and incident where a fault was missed.

    Electrical Testing is highly recommended for multi-layer PCBs as well as boards which will be populated with high value components.


  3. The surface of pad needs to be processed to preserve from oxidize. Materials, technology and quality of PCB pad surface finish will affect the soldering technology and quality directly. Besides, choosing which method of surface finish depends on the product, technology and soldering materials. So it’s a key point to use the right surface finish to ensure the soldering quality.

    Type of surface finish:
    1 Organic Coating: soldering flux, solder mask, OSP etc.
    2 Metallic Coating: copper coating, Sn-Pb, Nickel/Gold Plating, ENP/EGP, I-Ag and I-Sn etc.

    There are three main surface finish technology, electroplating, electroless plating, immersion plating. And the materials used wildly on surface finish are Sn-Pb, Sn, Ni, Au, Pd and Ag and so on.

    a, Electroplating
    Electroplating is the process of coating a metal object with a thin layer of another metal by means of electrolysis. The electroplated coating is usually no more than .002 inch (.05 mm) thick. 

    b, Electroless Plating
    Electroless plating uses a redox reaction to deposit metal on an object without the passage of an electric current. Because it allows a constant metal ion concentration to bathe all parts of the object, it deposits metal evenly along edges, inside holes, and over irregularly shaped objects which are difficult to plate evenly with electroplating. Electroless plating is also used to deposit a conductive surface on a nonconductive object to allow it to be electroplated.

     c, Immersion Plating

    Immersion plating is the process of applying adhering layers of nobler metals to another metal's surface by dipping in a nobler metal solution ions to produce a replacement reaction. It causes the deposition of a metallic coating on a base metal from solutions that contain coating metal. In this, one metal is typically displaced by metal ions that have lower levels of oxidation potential, relative to the metal ion being displaced.

    Surface Finish Technology

    2 low cost
    3 Allow long-term process
    4 use wildly
    5 storage time more than 12 months

    1 Plate deformation
    2 unavailable for pin <20mil SMD and <40mil BGA component
    3 Easy bridging in micro distance component
    4 unavailable for HDI product

    1 Good solderability
    2 low cost
    3 Allow long-term process
    4 Use wildly
    5 More than 12 months storage time

    1 Plate deformation
    2 unavailable for pin <20mil SMD and <40mil BGA component
    3 Easy bridging in micro distance component
    4 unfit for HDI product

    1 Electro immersion, good flatness
    2 Appropriate for micro distance component
    3 Long storage time
    4 Available for combining with wire
    1 high cost
    2 Possible have black dot on BGA pad
    3 Erosion of solder mask bridge
    4 No single sided hole plugging

           Immersion Tin
    1 Electro immersion, good flatness
    2 Appropriate for micro distance component
    3 Affordable cost
    4 Proper for press design
    5 Good solderability
    1 Operate with gloves.
    2 Tin whisker
    3 Erosion of solder mask bridge, must >5 mil
    4 Bake may cause other problems
    5 No single sided hole plugging

         Immersion Silver
    1 Electro immersion, good flatness
    2 Appropriate for micro distance component
    3 Affordable cost
    4 Long storage time
    2 Special package
    3 short process time on assembly
    4 Bake may cause other problems
    5 No single sided hole plugging

    1 Good flatness
    2 Appropriate for micro distance component
    3 Low cost
    4 Able to repair
    5 Clean, environment friendly
    1 1 Operate with gloves.
    2 short process time on assembly
    3 Limited thermal cycling
    4 Limited storage time
    5 Hard to exam.
    6 Influence of cleaning solder paste



  4. One of the leading Printed Circuit Boards providers in the world Hampoo has confirmed that he will continue to offer direct PCB service for customers from china as the popularity of its’ PCB business continues to grow across the world.

    According to a statement released by the company, the move is aim to promote widely access to quality PCB prototypes in the near and long term future. Hampoo has confidence that these commitment will have a huge positive effect on its efforts to become one of the most revered PCB expert in the market. In addition, Hampoo has welcomed customers looking for quality PCB manufacturer to take full advantage of these recent developments. And it is easy to get quality PCB prototypes from some of the leading manufacturers in China.

    For the past decades, Hampoo has grown to become one of the biggest and most sought-after PCB prototype suppliers which located in China. The company notes that for years it has served a significant portion of customers and even in the future, Hampoo has categorically stated that it will spare no efforts in maintaining this trend. Hampoo acknowledges that even though a lot of potential customers have found it harder to access low cost and quality PCB manufacturer in china, its commitment to provide direct sales from the country will for sure change that for the better.

    The manufacturer has also revealed that it is counting on this move to maintain current growth momentum as well as expand its market share substantially in the coming months. However, the company claims that its primary goal remains to deliver quality fabrication prototypes. And as many experts and analyst in the market note, it is clear that the firm is leaving no stones unturned as it looks to cement its current position as one of the top PCB manufacturer in China.

    Moving forward, it will be very interesting to see how direct sales from china will impact the sale of printed circuit board in the US and across the world, but what remains very clear is the dedication and commitment Hampoo has shown to deliver the best and most affordable PCB product that meet all the needs of all customers. For more information on how you can work with PCB provider, please visit http://ems.hampoo.com

    Hampoo is a leading PCB manufacturer that has been in business for over 11 years. The company works with a wide range of clients and strives to deliver affordable and quality PCB service to customers. For more information, please view at http://ems.hampoo.com 


  5. Whether you are an EMS or an OEM, defining the right sourcing policy for PCBs and components is an important strategic management task. Forward-looking decisions create results that help improve a company’s competitiveness.

    Consider a large EMS company that has a PCB purchasing volume in the order of half a billion USD. A holistic approach to draw on all available efficiency boosters in the company’s sourcing environment (organizational set-up and purchasing efforts) will award the bottom line with single- or double-digit savings in the millions. It is worth pursuing a smart PCB sourcing concept.

    Classifying your PCB Purchasing Portfolio

    Before defining a sourcing policy one has to know the DNA of the purchasing portfolio.
    One way of analyzing it is to cluster it into two major groups--technology and volume requirements. There is also an additional option to classify into a third major group--business segment--for additional structure.
    Recommended technology subcategories are: rigid boards, flexible/rigid-flex boards, heavy copper, HDI, and IMS requirements. The second group, the volume category, may be clustered as low-, medium- and high-volume groups.
    Having classified your portfolio, you need to find an efficient sourcing strategy, which ought to be implemented tactically by the procurement department.

    Purchasing Demand meets Market Supply Situation

    The requirements of an often highly diversified PCB portfolio (technically and lot sizes necessities) traditionally meets a very different market reality on the supply side. PCB producers are often strong technically and commercially in mainly one particular PCB segment (e.g., low-layer rigid boards only, or high volumes only, or flexible boards and low volumes only). This will not cover a wide and diversified PCB portfolio.

    Editor's Note: This article originally appeared in the October issue of The PCB Magazine.



  6. PCB layout for proper operation of power electronics devices is critical, while routing control circuits can be done by an auto routing PCB software, critical power circuits should be placed by hand. Below are some guidelines of printed circuit board layout for you.

    1.High-Frequency circuit design requires careful grounding. The “ground” in a circuit is supposed to be at one potential, but in reality it is not. When currents flow through traces which have non-zero impedance, voltage differences will occur at different points along the ground path. To minimize these voltage use ground plane for control circuit. Try to make most of ground connections through vias to this plane rather than through PC traces.

    2. For each power supply stage, keep power ground and control ground separately. Tie them together [If they are electrically connected] in one point near DC output return of the given stage. 

    3. Places filter capacitors so that their leads physically go right into the printed circuit board traces that carry mainstream of the current to be filtered.

    4. Minimize areas and lengths of the loops which contain high frequency switching currents.

    5. Place capacitors that bypass bias supply voltages and reference pins (if any) of all ICs physically close to the corresponding pins. For driver chips use a combination of a large capacitor (10 µF - 100 µF) and a small ceramic capacitor (0.1 µF - 1.0 µF). 

    6. If you use a multilayer printed circuit board with surface mount components, place control ground plane on an inner layer so that it acts as a shield between power and control circuits.

    7. If you parallel power semiconductors, try to use symmetrical routing with equal conductor impedances for each of the paralleled devices.

    8. Choose the width of PCB traces based on acceptable temperature rise at the rated current IPC2152 as well as acceptable DC and AC impedances. Also, make sure that the trace will not fuse at any abnormal current (such as short circuit current) that could develop in the circuit before a electronic protection activates or a fuse clears. 

    9. For circuit spacing in non-UL applications you can generally use the recommendations of Table 6-1 of IPC-2221B. It is a generic standard for PCB design which replaced old IPC D-275. The recommended spacing for power supply circuits is given by IPC-9592B. In my opinion, the above IPC guidelines are too conservative. 


  7. A few days ago, Fudan University claimed that the team which leader is Material Science department professor Yang has developed a new green technology of double-sided flex PCB successfully. It makes us human take a step forward toward to flexible screen. This achievement will be debuted on China International Industrial Exhibition.

    This kind of flex PCB which like printed newspaper has some special characters like light weight, slim thickness, capable of flex, and it was applied widely in mobile phone, tablet, digital camera and LED screen and so on. So far, there are many problems lie in the technology of printed circuit board currently, highly material consumption, many production process, much waste liquid release etc. When this new technology of flex PCB achieved industrialization, it will break the situation that high tech and flex electronic product in this industry almost be cornered by foreign enterprises.

    Professor Yang introduced, our team developed a new “print to adsorb to catalytic additive” technology which can produce double-sided or multilayer flex PCB. It solved kernel question of multilayer flex PCB through hole interactive, and can be printed by a more environment friendly, lower cost ways. Finally, it will achieve mass production of multilayer flex PCB. This new technology has advantages like waste-free, low pollution, good circuit electrical property, strong adhesive ability, and can produce double-sided flex PCB directly. Mean while, the cost of circuit board production can be reduced30% as the technology flow simplified

    Flex printed circuit board is really useful in long-distance identify, logistics management, anti-counterfeiting, books lending etc. And applying in OLED will make it a possible to use flex screen to produce mobile phone and tablet and so on.

    For more information about flex PCB, please click:Hampoo


  8. A printed circuit board (PCB) is a key electronic part that supports and connects electronic components found in devices ranging from cell phones, computers to sophisticated machines. The circuits are formed by conductive tracks deposited on the surface of a non-conductive board know as the substrate. Each electronic component is “printed” on the surface of the board and soldered to the interconnecting circuits.  

    The most commonly used board in printed circuit boards is a glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin with a copper foil bonded on to one or both sides.
    The printed circuits are made of copper, which is either plated or etched away on the surface of the substrate to leave the pattern desired. The copper circuits are coated with a layer of tin-lead to prevent oxidation. Contact fingers are plated with tin-lead, then nickel, and finally gold for excellent conductivity.
    Purchasing components include resistors, capacitors, transistors, integrated circuit chips, and others.

    There are three major types of PCB construction: single-sided, double-sided, multilayer PCB. The single-sided PCB has components only on one side, so it called single-sided PCB. Single-sided PCB fabrication is a simple, costless job, but it can’t be applied to complicated products. When the number of components becomes too much for a single-sided board, a double-sided board may be used. Conductors between the circuits on each side are connected with through-holes (called via) on the substrate in appropriate locations. The Third type, a multilayer board, has a substrate made up of layers of printed circuits separated by layers of insulation. The components on the surface connect through plated holes drilled down to the appropriate circuit layer. This greatly simplifies the circuit pattern.

    (According to PCB characters, it can be categorized as flex PCB, rigid PCB, rigid flex PCB.)

    For more information about PCB types, please search Hampoo PCB.


  9. Having been in pcb assembly business for 11 years, Hampoo has introduced its services to many companies.  Below is 8 things in which all companies consistently focused on when it came to choose a PCB assembly factory.

    1.  Equipment type and use time– Contract manufacturers business time.  You want a company that has the ability to run a order using technology, when possible.  Pick-and-place machines, reflow ovens and wave soldering equipment are just a few staples.  If the company has them, are they well maintained?  Do they make capital equipment investments?  Is the technology old or outdated?

    2.  Operators Certifications– Request information about the PCB Assembly operators at the company.  Are they certified in the latest standards that are mandated by your company or product?  If not, how far away are they from attaining the proper credentials?  Are they willing to complete the needed requirements?

    3. Quality Standards - ISO 9001:2008 should be the minimum standard that a company has established for its business. Have the contract manufacturer certified in all of the necessary standards?  If the company is willing to obtain the proper standard for your company, are you willing to invest a minimum amount of business with that manufacturer?

    4.  Delivery – Is the company able to turn a order at your specified quantity in a reasonable amount of time?  Is the order too big for them to handle?  Do they ship off-shore for large orders?  Are all of the parts in stock or readily available?

    5.  ESD Controls - With today’s ICs, it’s very important to protect your products.  ESD in contract manufacturing is an important topic that we have discussed in the past.

    6.  In-house Purchasing/Turn Key service - Does the manufacturer have a purchasing department that can source your materials?  Do they have partnerships with vendors that cause the price to be driven down?  Do they have the knowledge to locate and obtain possible substitutions in the case of obsolescence?  Are they capable of turning your drawings into fruition with little to no involvement from your company?

    7.  Price – Is the company’s labor rate commensurate with the industry?  What is included in the price?  Is the price a lot higher/lower than other companies?  Make sure that you have an apples to apples comparison as the bottom price may not include some integral pieces.

    8.  Training – Does the company value continuing education for staff?  Are their skills monitored and measured?  Does the training enhance staff skills?  How often is this done?

    These questions will put you on the road to selecting a quality PC Board Assembly company.  Are there any other points that you can think of?


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